The Company Marine Tech operates in the marine sector, offering a complete service in environmental investigations geomorphological, geophysical and oceanographic, with the aid of multi beam, sub bottom profile, side scan sonar etc… Design and construction of winches, pastecche counts-meters, samplers of various kinds and sizes, such as, box corer, grabs, dredges, corer etc...
Preparation of means to search and mobile laboratories. installation of large equipment in the hull.
Design, installation and maintenance of oceanographic booms and correntometric chains.
The decades-long experience of the owner, Marco Lagalante, who has been accredited as an operator on Italian and foreign scientific research vessels, diving vessels, oil platforms and underwater operations, makes the company able to offer full service in all offshore activities.



in the environmental, geomofological, geophysical and oceanographic surveys on board.
Laying, retrieval and maintenance of complex curve chains both at low and high depths.


scientific instruments for biology (CTD, samplers etc.), geomorphology (SSS, bathymetry, etc), stratigraphy (SBP, sparker, etc) oceanography (ocean and oceanographic booms, correntometers, etc) both at sea and at our laboratory. Laying, retrieval and maintenance of complex curve chains both at low and high depths.


and technical instrumentation equipment for navigation of various brands such as Simrad, Sailor, Koden, Haiyang (digital map cartographs, echo sounders, radar, VHF radio and satellite rescue systems).


and execution of personal data transmission systems of underwater video images, diver operator voice over IP cameras or marine composite video with multi-media image sharing over broadband radio links.


of ships for research more precisely design and construction of laboratories on board ships; design and construction of pressure test containers for small tools, winches and samplers of various varieties such as box-corer, buckets, dredges, carotakers, contamination paste and shotguns; installation of large hull instrumentation.

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Continuous relationships with research institutes and a group of private sector operators enable us to address new instrumental projects in the offshore sector by counting on the latest technologies and instrumental quality control and international working methods of companies Marine Tech collaborates.